I've been talking a lot lately about telling your family's story and why it's so important. It's something I'm not always great about remembering to do, mostly because life gets so busy sometimes and I forget about the "little" stuff that makes up their days. But when I look back through images of when my children were much younger, it's those images that help me remember so many of the "little" things that made up such a big part of their lives.
The Storyteller Session has been a dream of mine since I started this business several years ago. I wanted to create a session that truly captured your family and the things that you hold dear. Don't get me wrong...I love photographing families "on-location", whether it's at one of my favorite fields or at the beach. And I always strive to bring out natural, spontaneous family interactions with all of my sessions, simply because I think those images are the most powerful. But there's nothing like a session at home, where everything is familiar and comfortable and you can relax and just enjoy being with the people you love the most.
Unlike most of the sessions I offer, the Storyteller Session will include several hours of time spent photographing you and your family together. These sessions can be scheduled anytime, whether it's early in the morning to capture your morning snuggles in bed with your little ones and making breakfast together or they can begin later in the day to document more of your family's afternoon activities. Once you have decided what time of day works best for your family, we will work together to decide how to tell your family's story best.
Because of the time involved in creating this experience for your family, I will only be offering a limited number of sessions per season. I am booking now through April so call or email me today to begin capturing your family's story.